Leaders who care for the person, not just the production

No one trade idea, strategy, or person dominates our portfolio
Corporate Credit
Outright credit-driven investments and capital structure arbitrage investments involving the securities of corporate issuers in developed markets.
Developed markets fixed income
Investments in sovereign and municipal debt and currencies primarily in G-7 nations and related derivatives.
Emerging Markets
Investments outside of highly-rated nations, including corporate and sovereign debt, equities, currencies and various derivatives and structured products.
Event-driven equities
Merger arbitrage, special situations and equity intercapitalization investments across the globe, including the U.S., Europe and emerging markets.
Structured credit
Investments in structured products, including ABS, RMBS, and CMBS, as well as related equities and derivatives.
Investments in various derivatives, focusing on volatility investments, including correlation trades and trades based on the expected volatility of individual financial instruments.
Corporate Credit
Outright credit-driven investments and capital structure arbitrage investments involving the securities of corporate issuers in developed markets.
Developed markets fixed income
Investments in sovereign and municipal debt and currencies primarily in G-7 nations and related derivatives.
Emerging Markets
Investments outside of highly-rated nations, including corporate and sovereign debt, equities, currencies and various derivatives and structured products.
Event-driven equities
Merger arbitrage, special situations and equity intercapitalization investments across the globe, including the U.S., Europe and emerging markets.
Structured credit
Investments in structured products, including ABS, RMBS, and CMBS, as well as related equities and derivatives.
Investments in various derivatives, focusing on volatility investments, including correlation trades and trades based on the expected volatility of individual financial instruments.
A dynamic leader in a global economy since 1991